Monday 31 December 2012

Royal Caribbean Fam trip! Act fast if interested

Hi Travel Partners!Royal Caribbean International is pleased to announce we are hosting an amazing Travel Agent FAM trip coming up in February.This will be great opportunity to experience one of the most amazing ships in the Royal Caribbean fleet on the Independence of the Seas.

Where – The Caribbean: St Marrten, St Kitts, San Juan, Labadee

When – February 16th 2013 Sailing from – Ft Lauderdale roundtrip

What's Included: Cruise Fare, NCCF, Taxes, Fees, Cocktail Party, Meals, Entertainment, Training Sessions, Special Events and more…Travel Agent Rate: $351.00 USD

(We are looking for 2 agents per staterooms)

How to RSVP – The Agency Owner or Manager must submit the request for the Travel Agent by emailing and include:

* The title of the email MUST READ "I would like to request a spot on the Royal Caribbean FAM trip event Feb 16th sailing date"
* Travel Agent Legal First Name (as in passport)
* Travel Agent Legal Last Name (as in passport)
* Travel Agency Name
* Agency Phone number
* Agent email address
* Agent daytime phone number

* Agent cell phone number

Sunday 30 December 2012

RBC Insurance leaders for December

1) Mia             3,162.00
2) Bobby Lee   2,887.00
3) Wendy        2,705.00
4) Jylissa        2,239.00 
5) Leah           2,062.00
6) Linda          1,740.00
 It isn't tough to sell $1000. worth of insurance. Jylissa sold $1341 just on friday. I hope everyone read the blog on thursday about the man who died in Mexico. No one wants to feel like they could of done more for a client or feel they should of been more insistent on insurance especially if they ever receive a call from a family member like I did last week. Selling insurance is very profitable but more so it protects your clients travel investment and provides the very best medical care available. We will continue with an insurance incentive for Jan., Feb., and Mar. at $100. for 1st, $50. for 2nd and $25. for 3rd. Remember the incentive for Skylink next month 1st $200. 2nd $100. and  3rd $50. on your imagine card for highest skylink sales. We are also giving away a $1000. travel voucher to a lucky client for any sale made in January. Agents and staff are not included but any of your clients will be entered for travel sales in January. If they buy insurance they are entered again. Children under 18 will not receive this but it will be awarded to the parent  who purchased the trip.  
Darren Snow
President Inc.

Thursday 27 December 2012


 On monday we had a call from a client who returned from Mexico friday. His father was offered insurance but declined. Last tuesday he went to a clinic at destination after hurting his thigh. After spending a total of $4000. over the next 2 days at this clinic the family was out of money. Needing more treatment they had the sunwing rep talk to the clinic who then agreed to do more services. Before his flight home he received a pain shot but died before he went to the airport. The son was trying to tell us we were to process his insurance but the father declined insurance in the office.
Lesson learned here:
1) RBC medical would have ensured good medical treatment and the client would not wait on a serious medical condition because it was too expensive to treat. This man is almost certainly dead because he wanted to save $35.
2) With Deluxe insurance not only would he have proper medical coverage but repatriation of the body ( returning the body to Canada)would be covered. On monday they didn't know how they were going to get the body home. This has cost someone $25,000. in the past from Mexico
3) If someone refuses insurance make sure you have proof. As in this case the client's son was trying to say we were to blame.
4) Remember to sell insurance with every package or flight.
Darren Snow
President Inc.

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all the Fareconnect team.
Darren Snow
President Inc.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Royal Decameron Golf Resort Panama

I am looking for information on the Royal Decameron Golf resort in Panama. Also looking for general information on the area around this hotel. I look forward to your information.


John Fraser

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Friday 14 December 2012

What do you want in a webinar?

We have had great feedback on the 2 webinars we have done so far. I would like to do them weekly or bi-weekly. What does everyone want to learn about? Mail your thoughts to and let's get a discussion going? Darren

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Consolidator training

We have a consolidator training sesion tomorrow and it is very important. So many agents need help here. We will go over all the rules on tickets and show you how to hold tickets at no cost or obligation. No one as yet has signed up for this training. We are having alot of issues with cancelled tickets and we want you to know how to better manage your bookings.
Darren Snow
President Inc.

Sunday 2 December 2012

RBC Winners

  The winner's for this month's RBC contest are:
1) Mia from Edmonton  $2513
2) Linda from Edmonton $934 
3) Correna from Edmonton $774
This same contest will continue for dec. will all Fareconnect agents in this month's contest. We are scheduling a consolidator training session for dec. 13th at 7 pm.